Book direct to save! Booking on websites such as Airbnb, Homeaway, VRBO,, and TripAdvisor is possible, but each of these sites adds fees to the booking. Booking direct can save you 10%–30% compared to these VR marketing sites! Not only that, you can book direct with these guarantees:

  • Book with confidence! We provide you, for free, accidental damage insurance covering $500 worth of damage! If you want, you can purchase additional damage protection of another $1000 for only $10!
    Trip protection insurance! For a nominal cost, you can protect your vacation from cancellation costs due to sickness, injury or death; weather causing delay of travel; auto accidents; job layoffs; trip delays and more! See Insurance for more details.
  • 100% refund available! Book with confidence! If you change your mind, you can cancel for a full refund within 48 hours of booking, or 60 days before the rental date. A 50% refund is available within 30 days of the rental date. And, if we cancel for any reason, you will get a full refund. (Note: we’ve never cancelled in over 10 years, the only likely reason we would cancel is if there was damage making the property unrentable.)
  • Direct access to the owner! Unlike on the VR marketing sites, booking direct allows you easy access to the property owner (that’s me, Dottie Natal!) You also have access to my email, phone number, and text message number. You also have direct access to my local property manager who can help you with any issues that arise while you are staying.
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